
The milk giving journey started at Hospital E



With the purpose of bringing nutritious milk glasses to many pediatric patients at hospitals in Hanoi, in the morning of March 10th, the representative of For Vietnam Stature Foundation (VSF) organized the first milk handover at the hospital E.

This trip had the companionship of MC Huyen Trang - Vietnam National Defense Television channel.

Nearly 500 glasses of nutritious milk were given to 72 pediatric patients having the treatments at Children’s Heart Department, Cardiovascular Surgery Department and Anesthesia Recover Department at Hospital E. All costs of this activity are fundraised from the profits of the online charity fair on VSF’s Fanpage and the philanthropists’ support through Global Giving.

Hopefully, this small gift can provide the motivation to the pediatric patients and their families to fight against diseases. VSF are grateful to the companionship and the regular support from individual and unit donors at the online charity fair. The information of future’s activities will be updated constantly.