
Updating the “Plaspics Hunter” contest’s timeline



PlasPics Hunter is a photography contest co-organized by For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF), Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance (VZWA) and Centre for Supporting Green Development (Greenhub). This is one of the cooperations between the members of Plastic and Health Action Partnership (PHA), with financial support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Duy Tan Plastic Recycling Company and Vietcycle Corporation.

After one month of opening applications for PlasPics Hunter contest in order to collect 1000 photos of the current condition of plastic waste from all over the country, we have received a lot of love and support from many contestants. The Organization Committee believes that each photo expresses affection and hope for a better environment.

Due to the unexpectedly large amount of submissions, the Organization Committee needs more time to put in our best effort to select and evaluate the contestants. 

Therefore, PlasPics Hunter will be having a new timeline on the journey of finding the most talented photo “hunter”:

  • Voting Round: 30/05 - 12/06/2022

  • Awards Announcement: 15/06/2022

  • Awards Ceremony: End of June (Details will be sent to you later)

Are you looking forward to the Voting Round? Remember to follow VSF’s media channels as well as our website to receive the latest information about the contest.