
VSF’s Newsletter in May 2023



A monthly update on outstanding charitable and development activities of For Vietnamese Stature Foundation.

Dear TH Group Staff members,

Dear BAC A BANK Staff members,

Dear Partners, sponsors and companions of For Vietnamese Stature Foundation!

For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF) would like to send you the Newsletter in May 2023. Accordingly, we continued to grant 5 million VND to support the construction of gratitude houses in Dien Bien, inaugurate 10 restrooms at schools in Tuyen Quang, and launch the project “No voice - No equal future” in Lao Cai.

Besides, VSF has completed the trip to visit the children who got sponsored semi-boarding meals of the project “Growing up with mountainous preschool students”; received OVER 280 million VND donated from “Race to raise” season 2 and performed the training courses and forum in May.

Right now, VSF is implementing 5 core programs including:

  • School Nutrition Program
  • Child Protection Program
  • Young Talents Nurturing Program
  • Act For Environment Program
  • Healthcare for Women

In addition, VSF also regularly conducts activities that promote gender equality, charitable and humanitarian activities across the country.