"Sustainability" - the hottest keyword of fashion in this Lunar New Year holiday
Instead of rushing to fashion stores looking for a New Year outfit, why don’t you return to your closet and renew your own style? Actress Ha Huong and friends will suggest some awesome fashion styles to you in a non-profit film project of For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF). Let's see!
A dark suit with high heels will give you an elegant look
Also if you combine it with a pair of sports shoes, it will be really youthful!
Simple but polite suits and accessories from the U60s
The special thing is that these clothes are at least 5 years of age
Or outfits and accessories exchanged with friends and relatives
Clothes don't make a style. You are the STYLE. LET’S BUY ENOUGH OR REUSE CLOTHES. Watch the full video here:
The project not only brings simple messages, but also encourages and promotes each individual and family to have small actions, and make habits to protect the environment.
For more information, please visit: vitamvocviet.vn and join interesting MINIGAMEs at Fb.com/quyvitamvocviet