3 simple tips for pregnant women to have a healthy child
Taking care of your health during pregnancy is important to both the mother and the child. If being well taken care of, the child will be healthy, strong, and well-developed mentally when born.
Here are 3 simple but surprisingly effective tips for pregnant women to have a healthy child!
1. Adjust sleeping positions
The mother’s sleeping positions can have major implications on the baby’s physicality and health. According to experts from Yale University (US), mothers are not allowed to lie prone during pregnancy. In addition, lying supine for a long period of time may also result in breathing difficulties for both the mother and the child.
Hence, mothers should switch among lying supine, lying on their left side, and lying on their right side to enhance blood flow and metabolism. Besides, lying on either side will keep the mother’s spine straight, minimize back and joint pains, and have a deep sleep.
2. Listen to music
Letting your unborn child listen to music is one common and scientifically proven method. Teaching the fetus using music is a useful way for the mother and the child to relax. Especially, if you listen to classical music, the fetus can maintain a good condition, have better brain development, and improve music sensibility.
In order to teach the fetus using music, mothers can either use the speaker or headphones applying to their baby bump. Avoid playing music at large volumes as it might startle the child, and don’t let them listen to too many tunes in a day.
3. Talk to the child
Regularly talking or telling stories to your child during pregnancy is also one of the methods widely used by mothers. This helps the child get used to the mother’s voice and stimulate their brain, thereby enhancing their ability to memorize.
In addition, don’t forget to encourage the father to join the talk. Not only does this improve the bond between family members, but it also helps the child recognize and differentiate between the mother’s and father’s voices.