
For Vietnamese Stature Foundation representative delivered a presentation at the seminar organized by the National Institute of Nutrition



On the afternoon of December 26, 2023, For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF) representative delivered a presentation at the seminar “Mobilizing Investment and Enhancing Inter-sectoral Coordination for the National Nutrition Strategy for 2024-2030 with a Vision towards 2045” organized by the National Institute of Nutrition.

At the seminar, VSF Director Tran Hong Diep discussed the role and efforts of VSF in connecting and mobilizing social resources to support the National School Milk Program and the School Meal Program. Mrs. Diep shared about the pilot model “School meals ensure reasonable nutrition combined with increased physical activities for Vietnamese children, students and pupils” (in the academic year 2020-2021). This model was led and implemented by the Ministry of Education and Training with the participation of businesses, with VSF contributing advisory services on resource mobilization.

On that basis, VSF has proposed recommendations on the necessity of establishing and promulgating a School Nutrition Law and emphasized the roles of three crucial sources in organizing school meals (including Parents of Students, the State, and social resources such as businesses, social organizations, and individual sponsors).

The seminar witnessed the participation of representatives from the Ministry of Health; relevant ministries, departments, and sectors; regional nutrition institutes; local delegates; and domestic and international organizations.