
For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF) shares experience with Earth Journalism Network (EJN)



Within the framework of the evaluation of the Asia-Pacific Program of EJN conducted by Dr. Corinna Arndt and Dr. Priya Davda, on January 28, 2022, representative of VSF, Mr. Vu Xuan Thai - Program Manager for Youth for Environment shared his experience in mobilizing the participation of stakeholders (youth, journalists, scientists, researchers, social activists, businesses, etc.) in environmental protection.

According to Mr. Vu Xuan Thai, VSF has carried out many diverse and practical activities to mobilize the participation of stakeholders such as: 

  • Establishing an Advisory Board with the voluntary participation of experts in the fields of journalism, environment, communication and science to provide technical advice for VSF's environmental protection activities.

  • Conducting dialogues between young people and businesses, journalists, social activists, researchers, and social organizations. Thereby, young people have the opportunity to speak up about environmental issues and introduce new ideas to solve environmental problems.

  • Organizing field trips for youth and journalists to investigate environmental issues. Through this activity, young people have the opportunity to learn and work with professional journalists. In addition, dozens of investigative articles on the current state of the environment have been published, attracting the attention of the community and the involvement of the authorities.

  • Calling for businesses to sponsor VSF's environmental activities, through which 8 businesses participated in accompanying and sponsoring environmental protection activities.

  • Coordinating with non-governmental organizations in the field of environment such as: Coordinate with Live and Learn for Environment and Community (Live&Learn) to implement the Initiative Fund "Clean Air - Green City", in collaboration with Centre for Supporting Green Development (GreenHub) to organize "Plastic talk" contest to find innovative environmental communication products .

  • Coordinating with press and television agencies to produce articles and reports on the environment. There are more than 10 press agencies and television regularly reporting on VSF's environmental protection activities, with about 200 news articles published by press and television agencies such as: Vietnam Television, Voice of Vietnam, Tien Phong Newspaper, Vietnamese Students Newspaper, Education and Times Newspaper, Natural Resources and Environment Newspaper, VietnamPlus, VietnamNews, ect.

  • In addition, VSF is also a member of The National Coordination of the Vietnam Business for Environment (VB4E) and a member of the Plastic and Health Action partnership (PHA). VSF's membership of the above organizations will enhance the ability to mobilize the participation of all parties in environmental activities.

Thus, through the above activities, VSF has connected and mobilized many stakeholders to join hands to carry out environmental protection activities in many different ways, thereby contributing to reducing environmental pollution in Vietnam.

Earth Journalism Network (EJN) was established in 2004 to promote media/journalism activities on environmental issues. In 2020, the project "Youth for Environment" of VSF surpassed 82 candidates from the Asia-Pacific region to become one of 13 initiatives to receive funding from the Earth Journalism Network.