Kicking off 2021, together with VSF help sexually assaulted children
Starting from today, VSF calls funds for the sponsorship of subsistence expenses for a 12-year-old girl who was a chronicle sex victim to one of her school’s security guards. This is the first activity in the “Scarlet Sails” project initiated by VSF in order to further their contribution of social responsibility to the community.
As a baby, Chi (the name was changed) did not receive the love and affection from her parents and she lived with her grandmother. Lacking proper childcare, Chi should have had happy moments alongside her friends at school. Unfortunately, she was sexually assaulted by a school guard when she was in grade 6. Adding salt to injury, he obliged her into sexual intercourse multiple times, taped her, and posted the videos online. Her family was determined to shed light on the case but as the household income solely depended on her grandmother, it was nearly impossible to pursue the lawsuit and pay for Chi’s tuition at the same time. Her education could be discontinued and her future is at risk.
With any amount of money, you can support Chi’s dream to go to school and help the girl and her grandmother with their living expenses.
Every donation please transfer to:
Quỹ Vì Tầm Vóc Việt (For Vietnamese Stature Foundation)
Acc No.: 003001060001222
Bac A Bank, Hanoi
Note: CBDT-01-Full name-Phone number
In case the donor wants to go anonymous, you can omit the Full name and Phone number in the transfer note.
The fundraising period is from 23 December 2020 - 31 December 2020
In the following period, VSF will launch several activities to assist the young victims of sex crimes, including sponsoring monthly living fees in 1 to 3 years and teaching children essential skills and knowledge to protect themselves. Additionally, the project also set up training and communicating activities for stakeholders like childcare workers, schools, the community, and authority.
With a view to contributing to the Vietnamese Government’s SDGs committed to the UN, VSF has launched several practical activities for the well-being of the community, especially children. In 2020, VSF started the “Scarlet Sails” project so as to help children suffering from sexual assault all over the country. VSF believes that the community’s partaking throughout the years will keep bringing better lives to many children.