Launching the collaborative initiative to reduce the plastic bags use in Vietnam
In the afternoon of June 9th, 2021, For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF), The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) and Institute Of Strategy And Policy On Natural Resources And Environment (ISPONRE) officially launched a collaborative initiative to reduce the plastic bags use in Vietnam.
Accordingly, VSF, IDH and ISPONRE will cooperate:
- Promoting the reusable shopping bags use to replace and end the single-use plastic bags use.
- Mobilizing financial resources from individuals and businesses to produce and consume reusable shopping bags through VSF's activities.
- Improving consumers’ awareness and habits.
In this collaborative initiative, VSF will take the roles such as receiving, managing and disbursing funding; carrying out activities to raise awareness among the youth and the community about plastic waste; co-chairing with representatives of IDH and ISPONRE in related meetings and seminars.
One of VSF’s 5 main target programs is the program 'Act for Environment' - to raise public awareness about environmental protection, to increase participation and specific actions of stakeholders in solving environmental issues and contributing to promoting positive changes in environmental policies and laws.
Accordingly, VSF has been cooperate with stakeholders to implement many environmental projects, such as:
- Youth for Environment
- Environmental non-profit films
- Initiative Funds "For clean air - green city"
At the same time, VSF is currently a member in National Coordinator Group of Vietnam Businesses For Environment - VB4E