
We had a fulfilled Children's Day



June 1st 2021 is very different when interesting activities in International Children's Day cannot take place as planned due to the complicated COVID-19 pandemic. This makes the most special day in the year of the children not as contented as in previous years, especially for children in difficult circumstances.

In response to the month of “Action for Children”, on June 1 2021, For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF) through the Women's Union (WU) in Kenh Duong Ward (Le Chan District, Hai Phong city) donated nearly 500 glasses of nutritious milk to 40 children locally. Kenh Duong Ward is a key area of ​​social vices, and many children have been living with family members who are drug addicts or affected by HIV/AIDS.

“Having milk to drink, even receiving gifts on June 1st is still a luxury for many children due to the poor economic status of the family. The children are excited and happy when receiving gifts from VSF. We sincerely thank VSF for paying attention to the children in Kenh Duong Ward," said Ms. Nguyen Hai Thanh - President of the Women's Union of Kenh Duong Ward.

In 2021, VSF cooperates with the Women's Union of Hai Phong city and the Women's Union of Kenh Duong ward to implement the project "Scarlet Sails". In addition to supporting tuition fees and living expenses for V.T.T. and some children with extremely difficult circumstances, the project will strengthen the knowledge and skills of sexual abuse prevention for children and caregivers in Kenh Duong Ward through training sessions and talkshows. The project will also create a short film to raise awareness of this content, and coordinate with the Women's Union of Hai Phong city to spread the film widely in schools in the areas of Hai Phong city and through other media channels.

VSF is currently raising funds for the project with the following activities:

Information of project "Scarlet Sails":

We sincerely thank our partners, sponsors and companions who have been always caring and supporting VSF on the journey of serving the community.