19.300.000VND was donated to the second session of “Growing up with mountainous children” project
During one week after our call for fundings of 110 students’ mid-day meals at Thai Son Kindergarten (Bao Lam, Cao Bang), VSF was more than happy to continuously receive the attention and sharings from our donors.
Today, we also received an amount of 6.8 million VND from “Wildflower honey” group to donate for “Growing up with mountainous children'' project at VSF Office. With every liter of honey sold, the group set aside 29,000 VND to sponsor kids at Thai Son Kindergarten. On top of that, this amount of money also included additional donation from benevolent buyers.
Up to now, the raised fund has reached 19,300,000 VND, equivalent to 11 students receiving sponsored lunches.
VSF is sincerely grateful for the altruistic and generous hearts of individual donors as well as charity groups! We will put these donations into transparent and rightful use, in order to bring nutritious meals to mountainous children. Hope that the project will continue to receive helping hands, so the goal of sponsoring 110 kids will be achieved as soon as the beginning of a new school year!
Every donation for the “Growing up with mountainous children” project should be send to:
1. Transfer via For Vietnamese Stature Foundation:
Account name: QUY VI TAM VOC VIET
Account number: 003001060001222
Bank: Bac A Bank, Hanoi branch
Transfer note: Full name_Phone number_CEKL
Notice: Donors please write your full name and phone number. In case you want to donate anonymously, please write in note as: andanh_CEKL
2. Donate via Global Giving website:
Link: http://goto.gg/47440