Announcing 3 core members of Green Eyes group - project "Youth for Environment" - Stage 2
Starting to receive membership applications from May 2021, through several rounds including profile grading, interviews and written test, For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF) has selected 3 best candidates to become core members of Green Eyes group of project "Youth for Environment" stage 2, who are:
Pham Phuong Nhi, University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU Hanoi)
Pham Thanh Xuan, Academy of Journalism and Communication
Le Minh Quan, Academy of Journalism and Communication
3 young people have shown their enthusiasm for environmental activities, sharing spirit and contribution to changing community awareness and behavior to protect the environment. Moreover, their ability to think and plan for activities in the 2nd stage is also well evaluated with many feasible activities.
VSF highly values the knowledge, experience and skills that the members have shown and is looking forward to their contribution to the success of the project.
The candidates who have not been selected in this recruitment are always welcomed to participate in the project activities implemented in the near future. We wish you success and passion for the environment.
Project “Youth for Environment" of For Vietnamese Stature Foundation is one of 13 initiatives sponsored by the Earth Journalism Network. In addition, Bac A Bank also participates in sponsoring and accompanying the project to implement practical activities for the environment.