
"Dialogue between youth and business organizations - action to reduce plastic waste pollution in Vietnam" will be happening tomorrow!



With the aim of strengthening the connection between organizations and young generation, while promoting the reduction of plastic waste pollution, on October 17, Vietnam Business for Environment (VB4E), along with For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF) jointly organized the event "Dialogue between youth and business organizations - action to reduce plastic waste pollution in Vietnam". The event has attracted the participation of more than 30 firms and 40 young people.

This event gathers more than 30 enterprises (TH Group, Tetra Pak, Srithai,...), plus 40 young people and experts in the fields of economics and environment to share ideas and initiatives for plastic pollution; thus opening the door to cooperation between businesses and the young generation on their common ground.

How have business enterprises been striving to tackle plastic solution?

What initiatives will young people want to contribute to the business sector?

Stay tuned with us via our fan page and website to update the latest information!