Meeting between For Vietnamese Stature Foundation and representative from International Center For Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
On May 29th, For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF) had a meeting with representative from International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), headquarter based in Cali, Colombia and regional office in Vietnam.
CIAT is one among 15 research centers of CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research for a food-secure future. Source:
CIAT ( is one among 15 research centers of CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research for a food-secure future. CIAT takes the lead of Research Programe of Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) in many countries included Vietnam as a priority one.
In the meeting, the topics about common concerns, the strategic orientation of both parties and future cooperation opportunities in the field of Food safety, Food security, Nutrition and Health.
Representative from VSF also contributed some suggestions for CIAT’s researches, especially the ones to Advance Transitions towards Sustainable diets, such as addition of sex-disaggregated data into researches and deeper analysis on the awareness, attitude and practice of nutrition of the different target groups.
Both organizations are looking forward to upcoming conferences to achieve cooperation in the near future.