Vietnam Business For Environment (VB4E) officially came into operation
This afternoon, June 17th, 2020, workshop of Vietnam Business For Environment was held at Novotel Hotel, 5 Duy Tan, Hanoi.
There were representatives of agencies under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Office of the National Assembly, Government Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; national and international NGOs; businesses, and press agencies.
Green Eyes - the core team of “Youth for Environment" project of For Vietnamese Stature Foundation was honored to be the representative of young people who are interested in environmental issues
(VB4E) was founded to engage businesses in protecting the environment and conserving nature’s value in Viet Nam. VB4E is an initiative of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) founded in partnership with ISPONRE (Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and environment) of MONRE (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) and TH Group Joint Stock Company.
The alliance will focus on 3 main activities: building an online ideas bank, supporting policy advocacy, and capacity improving. An outstanding feature of VB4E is the ideas bank where NGOs, businesses, and stakeholders can collaborate on developing and implementing conservation projects.
At the launching ceremony, IUCN introduced a new biodiversity conservation and enterprise partnership opportunity called “Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECM).
IUCN is developing guidelines for the recognition and reporting of OECMs; Draft methodology to define OECMs. MONRE is responsible for state management of biodiversity conservation and plays an important role in promoting biodiversity conservation throughout the country, including OECM areas outside the regional system. conserve. Shortly, the revised Law on Environmental Protection will be submitted for approval by the National Assembly in 2020, and the Biodiversity Law is also planning to revise, and there are opportunities to format the OECM in the law.
Founded in 2014 and to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially for goals related to education, equity, and health care, the VSF joined VB4E as a member of the National Coordinating Group.
Together with related parties, VSF will contribute to bringing the opportunities to connect, exchange, raise awareness , and capacity to apply business practices to communities, development organizations, and businesses. Especially, through the project “Youth for the Environment” and the activities of the Green Eyes, VSF will increase the participation of young people in environmental issues and at the same time, contribute to creating positive changes in government and corporate environmental policy.
Let's throwback some of the meaningful moments:
The representatives of TH Group, ISPONRE and IUCN shook hands in the Launching ceremony
Mr. Nguyen The Chinh - President of ISPONRE spoke on promoting public-private partnerships in environmental protection
Mr. Jake Brunner, IUCN Regional Director of Indo-Burma Group / Chief Representative of IUCN in Vietnam gave the opening speech: an overview of the VB4E and its linkage to “Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs).
Ms. Hoang Thi Thanh Thuy - Head of the Coordination Committee for Sustainable Development - TH Group spoke about the reason for joining VB4E and TH Group's commitment
Green Eyes - the core group of young people from the project "Youth for the Environment" of VSF